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Three Steps Toward Effective Evangelism in a Disciple-making Church (Part 1 - T.I.P.):

Step 1: Involve EVERYONE in Evangelism: T.I.P. - Three Dimensional Strategy for Evangelism.


God has gifted some people in your church as evangelists. They effectively share the Gospel and lead people to Christ. C. Peter Wagner says that 10% to 15% of your church falls into this category. Church Consultant, Bob Gilliam, believes this number may be as low as 5%-10%. Those with the gift of evangelism must be among those who are involved in telling the Gospel inside and outside of your church. Because they are specially gifted by God, they are the natural leaders meant to show us how to do this effectively. However, even they may need additional training.

In addition to those with the gift of evangelism, God has also called us “to do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5). It is not just the job of the gifted ones. Telling is a commitment. Tellers are trained to share the Gospel and lead someone to Christ. They can effectively share their testimony. It is assumed that a teller is praying and inviting as well.

The T.I.P. strategy has a place for everyone in its ranks. Each team member is important and will be rewarded by God for his or her labor (1 Corinthians 3:5-9). We need tellers, inviters who are the “bringers” and pray-ers. Too often in our churches, we have lifted high our evangelists and given everyone the idea that “if you aren’t telling, you aren’t involved.” It is very discouraging for those who will never be a teller no matter how much training they receive.

The T.I.P. strategy provides a way for people to develop their commitment to evangelism. A pray-er can become an inviter. He can be encouraged to do so as he see those around him doing it. An inviter can become a teller. As he sees others, he can say to himself, “I can do that.”


In John 1, there is a lot of inviting. Andrew brought his brother, Peter, to Christ (1:41, 42). Philip brought Nathanael to the Savior (1:45). Inviting is a great way to be involved in evangelism. It is assumed that an INVITER is also praying for those whom he would like to invite. He is praying especially for those on his list. He has a relationship with them so it is easier to invite. An inviter is praying for opportunities to expose people to the Gospel. It could be to a variety of events: a Worship Service, an ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship), a “Come and See” Outreach Group or any other event which has as one of its goals to expose people to the Gospel. Maybe your ABF is having a special series on parenting or a “You and Who” invitation activity like a men’s softball team where half the team is made of of unchurched friends that have been invited by Christ-followers, in other words "you" the believer and "who" the pre-Christian friend.

It is said that 97% of those who come to church, come because they were invited by someone they knew. In a recent survey, most people said that they would come to church if they were only invited. (Both George Barna and George Gallup have noted results of several surveys taken by their respective organizations over the past 10-15 years which verify these trends.)

Inviting is an excellent way to enlist the whole church in outreach. Not only is your group committed to praying but some are also bringing.


Everyone should be involved in evangelism and prayer is something everyone CAN do. Praying for the lost is a necessary, basic level of involvement. Prayer does move the heart of God. He has commanded us to pray (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Each pray-er develops a list of at least five people for whom he/she is praying regularly, using the “Prayer-Care-Share” or “Most Beloved” card. They add five names of individuals being prayed for by others in the “Follow Me” Discipleship Life Group. Prayer is offered inside and outside of the group for the salvation of those on the list.

Everyone can pray. Prayer is the most basic way for each of us to take part in fulfilling Jesus' call to reach the world. Imagine the rejoicing in your group, in your church and in Heaven, when a person on the list comes to the Lord. It will usually be the result of a TEAM effort.

Tellers, Inviters and Prayers T.I.P. is a three dimensional strategy where ever believer in the church can participate as a team member at one of those three levels. Start by encouraging people to "pray" then begin to create natural opportunities to" invite" and train those gifted and willing to "tell" the good news about Jesus Christ.

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