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Attracting and Assimilating the Unchurched in the 21st Century

David D. Durey


David Durey, Director of the Intentional Discipleship Network, in cooperation with Mission Portland conducted a study with the purpose of identifying transferable principles drawn from several churches that had been successful in attracting and assimilating unchurched people.  The multi-case approach selected leading churches from among the fifty largest churches in the Portland, Oregon/Vancouver, Washington metropolitan area and conducted on-site interviews. 


Complete Dissertation PDF (150 page plus bibliography)  - FREE e-book

Exploring Christ  Small Group Lessons for Spiritual Seekers


This 110 page e-book contains nine series with a total of 42 lessons for open outreach oriented small groups. It includes series on such topics marriage, who is Jesus?, life lessons from the Bible, the 10 Commandments, strength for the struggles and more. You may use the different series in any order that you choose and skip any that do not fit your group or purpose.  These lessons are intentionally designed to be simple to lead and part of a weekly bible application oriented small group gathering that lasts 60 to 75 minutes. With the purchase of this download you also have permission to make unlimited copies for your group or groups within one local church. You may also rewrite any portion of a lesson to meet the need of your group or church ministry.


Exploring Christ Bible Study Lessons PDF (42 lessons, 110 pages)  -  FREE e-book

Embracing Christ: Small Group Lessons for Growing Believers


This 102 page e-book contains 41 lessons for open small groups and includes series on such topics as christian fellowship, basic christian living, the Holy Spirit, the resurrection of Jesus Christ and a study of the book of Hebrews. You may use the different series in any order that you choose and skip any that do not fit your group or purpose.  These lessons are intentionally designed to be simple to lead and part of a weekly bible application oriented small group gathering that lasts 60 to 75 minutes. With the purchase of this download you also have permission to make unlimited copies for your group or groups within one local church. You may also rewrite any portion of a lesson to meet the need of your group or church ministry. 


Embracing Christ Bible Study Lessons PDF (41 lessons, 102 pages) - FREE e-book

Established in Christ: Small Group Lessons for Faithful Followers


This 130 page e-book contains 52 lessons for basic spiritual accountability small groups.  There are lessons on the essentials of spiritual growth, a series on prayer, a study of Ephesians and a series on christian service. They are intentionally designed to be simple to lead and part of a weekly bible application oriented small group gathering that lasts 60 to 75 minutes. With the purchase of this download you also have permission to make unlimited copies for your group or groups within one local church. You may also rewrite any portion of a lesson to meet the need of your group or church ministry. 


Established for Christ Bible Study Lessons PDF (52 lessons, 130 pages) - FREE e-book

Equip-Empower: Small Group Lessons for Life-Long Disciples


This 128 page e-book contains 48 lessons for ongoing accountability small groups and includes series on the armor of God, enriching relationships, a study of values, personal finances, good and godly attitudes and a study of Philippians. You may use the different series in any order that you choose. This is an ongoing accountability small group. So, your group is generally closed to new members and visitors so that you can develop a high level of trust and accountability. Be sure to do acts of service together outside of your discussion time as well. You may use the following small group discussion series in any order that you choose. You may skip any that do not fit your group or purpose. Be flexible and ready to help your members grow.


Equip-Empower Bible Study Lessons PDF (48 lessons, 128 pages)  - FREE e-book

Training Sessions for Small Group Leaders

David D. Durey


Training Sessions for Small Group Leaders includes four basic training sessions for new small group leaders.


  • "Get Ready"… for a New Small Group  

  • "Get Set" …by Building a Leadership Team

  • “Get Going” …with Good Group Dynamics

  • “Keep Going” …with Positive Solutions


Training Sessions for Small Group Leaders PDF (27 pages) - FREE e-book

Telecare Ministry Contact Records: A Journal for Small Group Leaders

David D. Durey


This ministry tool serves as a care journal for lay pastors and small group leaders.  It assists them in providing meaningful personal ministry to those attending their small group, prospects for their group and those who are in their personal circle of influence.  The following elements are included in this ministry resource: SECTION 1: Care Lists; SECTION 2:  Resources - Sample Ministry Phone Calls, Referral List for Care and Counseling, How to Know Jesus Personally, Preparing a Personal Testimony, Selected Scriptures;

SECTION 3:  Tekecare Ministry Contact Records.


Telecare Ministry Contact Records PDF (44 pages) - FREE e-book

Ministry Skills for Small Group Leaders: 52 Training Lessons

compiled and edited by David D. Durey


  • Bible (5 Lessons)

  • Christian Leadership (5 Lessons)

  • Counseling (7 Lessons)

  • Evangelism & Discipleship (6 Lessons)

  • Lay Pastor Skills (8 Lessons)

  • Personal Management (6 Lessons)           Ministry Skills: 52 Lessons PDF - FREE e-book

  • Small Group Skills (7 Lessons)

  • Theology (8 Lessons)

Lay Pastor Training Manual: New Hope Community Church

Dale E. Galloway, et. al.


This manual was used to train new Lay Pastors for leading Tender Loving Care Groups under the direction of New Hope Community Church, Portland, Oregon.  As many as 5000 people attended one of 450 small groups that were lead by these Lay Pastors.  The manual contains job descriptions, report forms, organizational structures and principles for effective small group ministry.


Lay Pastor Training Manual PDF - FREE e-book 

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