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If you want to keep in touch with developments in David's travel and work with T-Net International please contact him by email and request to be placed on his monthly e-newsletter.
David Leaves Music for Missions
David has left music and local church ministry to give his full attention to his role as Dean of T-Net Training Centers. David serves as a global missionary in this non-profit pastor training organization where he also is director for Asia. All of David's office, travel, insurances, salary and operational expenses are funded through donations to T-Net International by churches and individuals. To donate visit tnetwork.com/ministrypartner or click the button "Help Fund My T-Net Travel"
David & Jeannette Durey return to Portland, Oregon
David and Jeannette returned to Oregon in June to visit friends and family and to celebrate their wedding anniversary on the beautiful Oregon Coast. "We love Minnesota but must confess there is no place quite like Oregon. We traveled from the coast, up the Columbia River Gorge, over Mt Hood and down to Bend and back. Great times with friends and wonderful memories of our years in Portland.