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​After a short stint in radio broadcasting David took up the life of a full-time musician. He sang hundreds of concerts throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and the Israel with various groups. He met his wife, Jeannette in a group where they sang together on a concert tour of the US and Canada where they averaged 350 miles on the road plus the rigors of concert set up for a 15 piece band and vocalists.  David figured if Jeannette could keep her cool under those conditions she would be a great life partner…and he was right!

David is a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ and a committed discipler, equipper and mentor of growing believers and Christian leaders. His life purpose statement is, "I am dedicated to equipping and mobilizing church members for the work of ministry in fulfilling the great commission." To this end, David has authored over two dozen books, training manuals and equipping tools including Steps Toward Spiritual Growth, Ministry Skills for Small Group Leaders and Coaching for Life all available through the Intentional Discipleship Network website.


David is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Free Church of America and has earned a Master of Divinity degree from the International School of Theology and a Doctorate from Asbury Theological Seminary.  He is currently serving as Dean of T-Net Training Centers and Asia director for T-Net International.  T-Net is currently training over 5000 pastors in 350 training centers throughout Africa and Asia and sees over 100,000 new converts folded into their churches each year. David has taught T-Net to leaders in India, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Liberia, Tanzania and Nigeria.  Learn more at

© 2017 by DAVID D DUREY

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